Tuesday, February 18

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat Route, Timing and Ticket Price

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat Express has reduced the travel time between Anantapur and Kacheguda by 1 hour and 35 minutes compared to the previous fastest train, Mysuru Kacheguda Express.

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat Express will help people from many districts of Andhra Pradesh to reach IT Hub city Hyderabad in less time. Previously, the fastest train between Anantapur and Hyderabad was the Mysuru Kacheguda Express, which takes 7 hours and 20 minutes to complete a single journey between Anantapur and Hyderabad. The distance between Anantapur and Hyderabad by train is only 401 km, but travel by train is comparatively high as compared to other Indian train routes. The slowest train between these stations is the Tirupati Secunderabad Express, which takes 9 hours and 20 minutes.

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat Express Route

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat Express Route covers a distance of 401 km between Anantapur and Kacheguda in 5 hours and 45 minutes. While traveling to Banglore Kacheguda Anantapur Vande Bharat train route covers a distance of 209 km, 2 hours and 44 minutes.

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat Express Stop

Kacheguda Anantapur Vande Bharat Express stop at Krunool City and Mahbubnagar beyween Anantapur and Kacheguda. The moving towards Bangalore stops at Dhatmavatam Junction and Yesvantpur Junction.

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat Express Timetable

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat train leaves Anantpur Junction at 5 pm and reaches Kacheguda Junction at 11:15 pm. Kacheguda Anantpur Vande Bharat train leaves Kacheguda station at 5:30 am and reaches Anantpur Station at 10:44 am. Anantapur Hyderbad Vande Bharat Express takes 5 hours and 45 minutes to reach Hyderabad from Anantpur, while the train running from Hyderabad to Anantapur only takes 5 hours and 14 minutes.

Anantapur Kacheguda Vande Bharat Express Ticket Price

The Patna Anantapur Hyderabad Vande Bharat Express ticket price from Anantapur to Kacheguda is 1160 rupees for the AC Chair Car, including 242 catering charges, class, and 2100 rupees for the Executive Chair Car (EC), including 264 catering charges.

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