Friday, January 17

Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Route, Timetable and Ticket Price

Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Express will cut the travel time between Patna and Siliguri by 5 hours compared to the other Express trains.

Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat

Around four trains run between Patna and Siliguri daily and around 16 trains run on specific days every week. Currently, the fastest train between Patna and Siliguri is Rajdhani Express which takes around 8 hours to travel. The other express trains on the same route take about 10 to 11 hours to complete the journey of 510 km between Patna and Siliguri.

Patna – Siliguri Vande Bharat Express will help people to travel to Northeast India hills station in a short time. There is a massive demand for Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Express because many passengers travel daily on this route. This Vande Bharat Express will have more passengers because it will connect three states.

Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Express Route

Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Express route will connect some highly populated Bihar and West Bengal districts. Apart from Bihar and West Bengal, people travelling to Sikkim also benefit. Siliguri is the last station for Sikkim because there is no railway station in Sikkim. Patna – Siliguri Vande Bharat Express route will cover a distance of 510 km between Siliguri and Patna in 6 hours and 30 minutes.

Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Express Stop

According to the media reports, Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Express will stop at Barauni Junction, Khagaria Junction, Naugachia, Katihar Junction and Kishan Ganj between Patna and Siliguri. Most of the stoppages of this Vande Bharat Express will be in Bihar.

Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Express Timetable

Siliguri Patna Vande Bharat Express will leave Patna Junction at 6:10 am and will reach Siliguri Junction at 12:40 pm. After stopping for 1 hour and 20 minutes, the same train will leave Siliguri at 2 pm and reach Patna at 8:30 pm. Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Express will take 6 hours and 30 minutes to complete a distance of 510 km between Patna and Siliguri.

Patna Siliguri Vande Bharat Express Ticket Price

The ticket price for Patna – Siliguri Vande Bharat Express has not been released by Indian Railway. According to the sources, Siliguri Patna Vande Bharat Express ticket price will be around 1275 rupees for a single journey in the AC Chair Car class and 2395 rupees for Executive Chair Car (EC). The final ticket price can be different based on ticket demand.

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