Castro-free Cuba and challenges ahead for Miguel Díaz-Canel
A new era awaits Cuba, one without a Castro at the helm. After Raul Castro, the brother of Fidel Castro stepped down from Cuban premier, a number of challenges lie ahead the new Miguel Díaz-Canel administration, as the island nation faces serious economic crisis.
Cuba after Castro: Challenges for the new Cuban leadership under Miguel Díaz-Canel
The Ganga Times, International Affairs: Cuba is now Castro-free. Finally, after almost 61 years, Castro rule has come to an end in Cuba. Last week, President Raul Castro, who is the brother of the famous or infamous Cuban revolutionist Fidel Castro, confirmed that he was stepping down from the leadership of the Cuban Communist Party. This marks the end of six decades of rule by the Castro brother.
At the four-day Communist Party Congress, ...