Delhi Meerut RRTS Distance, Map, Speed, Fare and Start Date
Delhi Meerut RRTS full form is Delhi–Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System. Delhi - Meerut RRTS start date was 8 March 2019, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the corridor.
Delhi Meerut RRTS Distance and Route
The total distance of Delhi Meerut RRTS is 82 km. One the entire length of 82.50 km, 67.10 km is elevated, 14.15 km is underground, and 1.25 km will be at grade. Most of the distance of this route has been covered on elevated and underground levels. Only a 1.25 km distance is at the grad level, so two depots can connect easily. Duhai and Modipuram both depots are constructed at ground level.
Delhi Meerut RRTS Speed
The highest speed of Delhi Meerut RRTS is 180 km/h, but the operating speed will be only 160 km/h during the initial days for...