List of Trains Cancelled Due to G20 Summit From Sept 9 to 10
Check out the full list of trains cancelled due to G20 summit in New Delhi from 9 to 10 September 2023. These trains have been cancelled due to security reasons.
List of Trains Cancelled Due to G20 Summit in New Delhi, 2023.
Due to security considerations related to the forthcoming G20 Summit in Delhi, the Indian Railways has issued temporary cancellations for 207 mail and express trains that are either originating from or destined for Delhi on September 9 and 10. This directive of trains cancelled due to G20 summit applies specifically to the Northern Railway region.
As reported by the Northern Railway, a total of 207 train services have been terminated, terminals for 15 trains have been relocated, and routes for six trains have been diverted as part of the operational adjust...