Patna to Deoghar Flight Timetable, Distance and Ticket Price
Everyone is excited in Bihar and Jharkhand because soon, there will be a direct flight from Patna to Deoghar. The Patna to Deoghar flight will operate four days a week (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday).
Patna to Deoghar Flight
Deoghar is one of the most religious places in Jharkhand. Every year lakhs of people travel from Patna to Deoghar. Anyone planning a trip from Bihar’s Patna to Deoghar in Jharkhand can take a direct flight and save time. According to the reports, the leading carrier in the country, Indigo, will operate the flight between Patna and Deoghar.
After starting the Patna to Deoghar Flight now, Bihar is connected with two airports in Jharkhand. There will be only one flight will fly from Patna to Deoghar. According to Indigo officials, the flight service will...