Thursday, March 13

Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Route, Timetable and Ticket Price

Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express is one of the most awaited Vande Bharat Express trains for Madhya Pradesh.

Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat

Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express train will connect the two most important cities of Madhya Pradesh. Bhopal is the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, and Jabalpur is one of the most popular cities of Madhya Pradesh for tourists. Jabalpur is famous for its waterfall, fort and marble rocks, attracting lakhs of tourists annually across the country.

Vande Bharat Express for Jabalpur will help travellers save their travel time and enjoy a comfortable journey. Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express will cover a distance of 340 km between Bhopal and Jabalpur in just 4 hours.

Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express Route

Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express will cover a distance of 340 km between Bhopal and Jabalpur. More than ten trains run between Bhopal and Jabalpur daily, but their travel time is very high compared to Vande Bharat Express. Besides saving time, passengers will also get a comfortable journey on Vande Bharat Express.

Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express Stop

Bhopal – Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express will stop at Itarsi Junction, Pipariya, Gadarwara, Narsinghpur and Shridham between Bhopal and Jabalpur. During the travelling of 340 km, Jabalpur Bhopal Vande Bharat Express will stop at a total of 6 stations. Apart from the Bhopal station, all stations will get their first Vande Bharat Express train.

Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express Timetable

Jabalpur Bhopal Vande Bharat Express takes 4 hours and 5 minutes to complete the journey of 340 km between Bhopal and Jabalpur. The train leaves Bhopal at 7:00 am and reaches Jabalpur at 11:05 am. After stopping for 5 hours, the same train leaves Jabalpur at 4:00 pm and reaches Bhopal at 8:05 pm.

Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express Ticket Price

The Bhopal Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express ticket price is expected to be around 1085 rupees for a single journey in the AC Chair Car class, including the catering charges and 1925 rupees for Executive Chair Car (EC), including the catering charges. If you want to travel on Vande Bharat Express for less ticket price, then book a ticket without catering, which will help you save some money.

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