Thursday, January 23


Eid al Adha 2024, Time, Date, History, Wishes and Messages

Eid al Adha 2024, Time, Date, History, Wishes and Messages

Eid al-Adha 2024 is a yearly festival celebrated by Muslims around the world. In India, Eid al-Adha, also known as Bakr-Eid, will be celebrated on 17th June 2024. Eid al Adha 2024 Image. Eid ul-Adha, also called Bakra Eid, Bakrid, Eid Qurban, or Qurban Bayarami, is celebrated by Muslims worldwide. It takes place in the month of Zul Hijjah (Dhu al-Hijjah), the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. This festival commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son in obedience to God. What is Eid al Adha 2024? Eid al-Adha, also known as Bakra Eid or Bakri-Eid in India, is named after the tradition of sacrificing a goat ("bakri" in Hindi). This festival begins after the completion of the holy pilgrimage, Hajj, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. According to the lun...
The Origins of Islam: A Journey through History and Faith

The Origins of Islam: A Journey through History and Faith

Islam, meaning "submission" in Arabic, is a monotheistic religion with over 1.9 billion followers worldwide. Its origins trace back to 7th century Arabia, specifically Mecca, a bustling trade center. Understanding how Islam originated requires delving into the life of Prophet Muhammad, divine revelations, and the establishment of a new faith. Mecca and the Pre-Islamic Context Prior to the arrival of Islam, Mecca was a central hub for trade and pilgrimage. The Kaaba, a cubical structure believed to have been built by Abraham and Ishmael, housed idols representing various deities. Meccan society was tribal, with social status heavily influenced by wealth and lineage. Many social problems existed, including poverty, exploitation of the weak, and female infanticide. The Prophet M...
Judaism: A Religion with a Fascinating History

Judaism: A Religion with a Fascinating History

Judaism stands as one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions, a faith that has profoundly shaped Western civilization. Its roots stretch back through millennia, woven into the tapestry of ancient Middle Eastern history. To understand the origins of Judaism is to embark on a journey through time, tracing the evolution of a belief system that laid the foundation for the emergence of Christianity and Islam. Judaism originated around 3500 years ago In the Land of Canaan The story of Judaism begins in the Bronze Age, approximately 3,500 years ago, in the region known as Canaan (modern-day Israel, Palestine, and surrounding lands). Ancient Canaanite peoples practiced a polytheistic religion with a pantheon of gods and goddesses. From these polytheistic roots, a unique and rev...
Christianity: From Its Roots in Judaism to a Global Faith

Christianity: From Its Roots in Judaism to a Global Faith

In a region simmering with religious and political tensions, a movement emerged that would forever change the course of history. Christianity, which began as a sect within Judaism, grew to become the world's largest religion, its message resonating across centuries and continents. Let's explore the remarkable beginnings of this global faith. Christianity originated around 2000 years ago The Setting: Roman-Occupied Judea Christianity's story unfolds in 1st-century Judea, a Roman province in the eastern Mediterranean. Judaism, the dominant religion, was centered on belief in one God and a rich tradition of prophets and laws. Yet, Roman rule brought its own gods and philosophies, creating a complex tapestry of beliefs and practices in the region. Jesus of Nazareth: The Spark ...
भारत में कुल में कितने ज्योतिर्लिंग हैं?

भारत में कुल में कितने ज्योतिर्लिंग हैं?

Religion, Blog
In India, there ae twelve Jyotirlingas represent the infinite form of Lord Shiva. Pilgrims revere these divine shrines, seeking spiritual solace. Each site holds unique significance, weaving an ambiance of devotion. Bharat me kitne jyotirling hain? हिन्दू धर्म में भगवान शिव की उपासना का अद्वितीय रूप माने जाने वाले ज्योतिर्लिंगों की गिनती बारह है। इन ज्योतिर्लिंगों को भगवान शिव के प्रत्यक्ष प्रतीक माना जाता है, और इन्हें भक्तिभाव से पूजा जाता है। इन ज्योतिर्लिंगों का सृष्टिकर्ता शिव आपके सामने हैं: भारत में कितने ज्योतिर्लिंग हैं? भारत में कुल बारह ज्योतिर्लिंग हैं जो भगवान शिव से जुड़े हुए हैं। इनके नाम कुछ इस तरह हैं: 1. सोमनाथ राज्य: गुजरात स्थान: प्रभास पाटन, सौराष्ट्र विवरण: सोमनाथ सौराष्ट्र क्षेत्र, गुजरात, में स्थित है और इसे अतीत में छह बार ध्वस्त एवं निर...
10 Best Ways to Please Lord Shiva in Sawan

10 Best Ways to Please Lord Shiva in Sawan

There are many ways to please Lord Shiva, so we are sharing the ten best ways to please Lord Shiva so that you can fulfil your wish. You know that feeling when the rains first start pouring down after a long, hot summer? The petrichor rose from the parched earth, the cool breeze carrying the scent of wet soil. Sawan is that magical time of the year when the monsoons arrive in India, and with them, the festival of Shravan is dedicated to Lord Shiva. This is the perfect month to strengthen your connection with the Destroyer of Evil by engaging in rituals and pujas that please Him. Whether you observe a strict fast, chant His name, offer bel leaves and milk, or visit Shiva temples, Sawan is all about devotion and worship. Here are 10 powerful ways to please Lord Shiva and seek Hi...
List of Hindu Festivals in August 2023 in India

List of Hindu Festivals in August 2023 in India

India, a land of diverse religions and cultures, cherishes a rich tapestry of festivals celebrated throughout the year. In this article, we aim to provide insights into the festivals in August 2023. List of Hindu Festivals in August 2023. The Indian calendar adheres to a 12-month and 365-day system, though the month names differ from the English calendar. The Indian calendar commences with Chaitra as the first month and concludes with Phalguna as the last. Each month in India is graced with several festivals, making it a land of continuous celebrations. These festivities not only foster unity among people but also offer valuable insights into the country's rich cultural heritage. Read Also: Raksha Bandhan 2023 Date, Muhurat Time, Histroy, Puja Vidhi and Wishes ( ...
Raksha Bandhan 2023 Date, Muhurat Time, Histroy, Puja Vidhi and Wishes

Raksha Bandhan 2023 Date, Muhurat Time, Histroy, Puja Vidhi and Wishes

Culture, Religion
Raksha Bandhan is the most popular Hindu festival in India which is celerated between Brother and sister. Check out the Raksha Bandhan 2023 date and muhurat time in this blog. Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the last day of Sawan month according to Hindu calendar. Raksha Bandhan is also celebrated in other parts of the world significantly influenced by Hindu culture. On this day, sisters of all ages tie a thread called the rakhi around the wrists of their brothers. Best things about Raksha Bandha festival is its a celebrated by all age group. Raksha Bandhan 2023 Date Raksha Bandhan 2023 Date and Muhurat Time Raksha Bandhan 2023 date is 30 August 2023. Raksha Bandhan will be clebrated on Wednesday 30th August 2023. Raksha Bandhan date is changes every year because its dep...
भगवान शिव से जुड़े वो कौन से रहस्य हैं जो किसी को नहीं पता?

भगवान शिव से जुड़े वो कौन से रहस्य हैं जो किसी को नहीं पता?

हिन्दू धर्म में भगवान शिव को प्रमुख देवताओं में से एक माना जाता है। सनातन धर्म में भगवान शिव को अनेकों नामों से जाना जाता है। शास्त्रों के अनुसार, सोमवार के दिन गंगाजल और दूध से भगवान शिव (Lord Shiva) का अभिषेक करना चाहिए। सोमवार के दिन भगवान शिव का विधि-विधान से पूजन और व्रत करने से भक्तों की सभी मनोकामनाएं पूर्ण हो जाती हैं और सभी कष्ट दूर हो जाते हैं। सोमवार के दिन भगवान शिव के साथ-साथ माता पार्वती का भी पूजन किया जाता है। कहते हैं कि सोमवार के दिन जागरण कर शिवपुराण का पाठ करने से उत्तम फल की प्राप्ति होती है। भगवान शिव को भोलेनाथ (Bholenath), शंकर, महेश, रुद्र, नीलकंठ आदि नामों से भी जाना जाता है। भगवान शिव से जुड़े हैं कई रहस्य। सर्वप्रथम भगवान शिव शंकर ने ही धरती पर जीवन के प्रचार-प्रसार का प्रयास किया, इसलिए उन्हें 'आदिदेव' भी कहा जाता है। 'आदि' का अर्थ प्रारंभ होता है, आदिन...
Sri Sri Ravishankar’s Enlightening Visit to Akshardham Temple in New Jersey with Binod Chaudhary

Sri Sri Ravishankar’s Enlightening Visit to Akshardham Temple in New Jersey with Binod Chaudhary

Latest News, Religion
In a momentous event that brought together spiritual wisdom and cultural magnificence, renowned spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravishankar graced the sacred grounds of New Jersey Akshardham. Accompanied by prominent entrepreneur and philanthropist Binod Chaudhary, the visit was marked by profound spiritual insights, a soulful darshan, and a blissful aarti ceremony. Embracing Spiritual Grace The visit of Sri Sri Ravishankar to the Akshardham temple in New Jersey was met with great enthusiasm and reverence by the community. Thousands of devotees and well-wishers eagerly awaited the arrival of the revered spiritual guru and Binod Chaudhary, whose philanthropic endeavors have uplifted countless lives across the globe. Sri Sri Ravishankar, a proponent of peace and human values, has in...