Thursday, March 13

JKBOPEE 2023 Application Form, Eligibility, Exam Date and Syllabus

The Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examinations (JKBOPEE) is an official government agency in the state that organizes and manages several professional examinations. The application for the JKBOPEE 2023 will be available in March.


The official JKBOPEE website is where you can find all the most up-to-date announcements. College admissions with the NEET 2022 exam are another service JKBOPEE provides. In order to take the exam, prospective students must be actively pursuing a medical or dental degree. The Board also provides guidance during the admissions process to ensure all available seats at the university are filled. Now, JKBOPEE administers exams for both Srinagar and Jammu students from two separate offices.

For the purposes of the Act, JKBOPEE administers the following exams:

  • JKBOPEE BEd entrance exam
  • JKBOPEE Paramedical Entrance Test

Here, you’ll find up-to-date information about JKBOPEE 2023, including the application deadline, exam format, eligibility requirements, exam dates, and syllabus.

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JKBOPEE 2023 Application Form

The process to apply for admission to JKBOPEE in 2023 will begin soon. All applicants must submit their applications through the JKBOPEE website. The application for the JKBOPEE 2023 is now accessible online. Complete the JKBOPEE 2023 application and send it in before the deadline. The booklet containing this information will be made accessible by the proper authorities for the benefit of the applicants. Candidates can use these to complete the JKBOPEE application form 2023.

  • Applications for the JKBOPEE 2023 can be filed online.
  • Upon completion of the form, applicants must next include JPG/JPEG files of their photo, signature, and left thumb impression.
  • And don’t forget to include proof of permanent residency, results (if the result has been released), a birth certificate, and a certificate indicating your age (if applicable).
  • Candidates are free to revise their applications at any moment prior to submission. Once you’ve submitted the form, you won’t be able to make any changes to it.
  • The application does not need to be submitted to the board.

JKBOPEE 2023 Eligibility

The JKBOPEE specifies the criteria that applicants must meet in order to be considered for admission. Those interested in enrolling in an engineering program should examine the JKBOPEE eligibility requirements 2023 listed below.

Candidates must meet the following requirements to take the JKBOPEE 2023:

  • Applicants must be Indian citizens.
  • A permanent resident of J&K is required for eligibility in this state.
  • The minimum age requirement is 17 as of the last week of December 2023.
  • There will be no upper age limit imposed.
  • Applicants must have completed the equivalent of the 10+2 or 12th-grade curriculum at an accredited educational institution.
  • Applicants must have scored at least 50% on the qualifying test (40% if they fall into a protected group).
  • Applicants must have a solid foundation in the sciences, as well as a strong grasp of mathematics and language.
  • Applicants who are appearing in a competitive examination are welcome to submit an application to JKBOPEE.

JKBOPEE 2023 Exam Date

Candidates may find all the relevant details, including estimated exam dates, in the table below.

Exam NameExam Date
BEd (Jammu)March 2023
BEd (Kashmir)April 2023
CETMay 2023
B.Sc Nursing/ Pharma/ TechJune 2023
Post B.Sc Nursing CourseNot Yet Announced
M.Sc Nursing CourseNot Yet Announced

Syllabus for the JKBOPEE 2023 Exam

Details on the beginner’s test curriculum are provided below.

PHYSICSPhysical World and Measurement Kinematics Laws of Motion Work, Energy, and Power The motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body Gravitation Properties of Bulk Matter Thermodynamics The behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory Oscillations and Waves Electrostatics Current Electricity Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction and Alt. Currents Electromagnetic Waves Optics Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Atoms and Nuclei Electronic Devices Communication System
CHEMISTRYChemical Arithmetic & Atomic Structure Chemical Equilibrium Chemical Kinetics Solutions Chemical Thermodynamics Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Solid State & States Of Matter Surface Chemistry Periodic Properties Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Chemistry Of Representative Elements Transition Elements Including Anthropoids Co-ordination Chemistry Nomenclature And Basic Concepts In Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbons Organic Chemistry Based On Functional Group-I, Group 2 & Group 3 Molecules Of Life Polymers
MATHEMATICSVectors And Three Dimensional Geometry Sets, Relations, And Functions Complex Number; Linear In equation; Linear Programming Sequence And Series, Permutation And Combination & Binomial Theorem Trigonometric And Inverse Trigonometry Functions Matrices And Determinants Limit, Continuity, And Differentiation Integration And Differential Equations Straight Lines And Conic Sections Statistics And Probability.

Summing Up

The results for JKBOPEE 2023 will be made public online method, on the main website. Only the official website offers access to the results free of charge. Candidates can log in with their own credentials and view the results. Additional copies of the final report’s printout should be kept as a safety precaution. Those who did not pass on the admission exam will not be allowed to see the final total.

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