Thursday, February 13

Tag: Palestine

Israeli Ground Offensive in Gaza Triggers Mass Palestinian Exodus: An 8-Point Analysis

Israeli Ground Offensive in Gaza Triggers Mass Palestinian Exodus: An 8-Point Analysis

Latest News, International
In recent events, Israel told Palestinians in Gaza to leave their homes as they were planning to send troops into the area to deal with the Hamas group. This move led to thousands of Palestinians seeking safety in southern Gaza. Here are some important things to know about this situation: Israeli Forces Enter Gaza: Israeli soldiers have gone into Gaza in small areas to fight against terrorists, seize their weapons, and find people who were taken as hostages by Hamas during previous attacks. High Number of Civilian Deaths: The ongoing violence has resulted in over 1,900 Gazans losing their lives, with more than 600 of them being children. This is due to many Israeli airstrikes on Gaza's crowded neighborhoods. Global Protests: People all over the world are expressing anger and...
India bats for the just Palestinian cause at UNSC; Why India is not supporting Israel openly?

India bats for the just Palestinian cause at UNSC; Why India is not supporting Israel openly?

India, International, Latest News
India, on Sunday stood for the just cause of Palestinians in the UNSC. It is widely seen as New Delhi supporting the state of Palestine. In this article, we will discuss why India is not supporting Israel openly. Many are baffled by New Delhi's stance and asking why India is not supporting Israel openly.. REUTERS/Yair Sagi/Yedioth Ahronoth/Pool - RTX22VSS Tension between Israel and Palestine has been escalating for the last couple of weeks, with no sign of it drawing to a close. Netanyahu is in no mood to leave any stone unturned to destroy Hamas and Gaza. Amid the conflict getting minacious, United Nations Security Council held a very important meeting on Sunday. India, being one of the 15 members of the UNSC, also took part in the meeting and strongly condemned all acts of violen...
Israel क्यों चाहता है Pelestine को बर्बाद करना? Why Israel wants Sheikh Jarrah and Al Aqsa?

Israel क्यों चाहता है Pelestine को बर्बाद करना? Why Israel wants Sheikh Jarrah and Al Aqsa?

Latest News, International
Why Israel wants to destroy Palestine? Why Israel wants Sheikh Jarrah in West Jerusalem? The article covers what led to violence in West Bank? Also, know why Israel attacked Al Aqsa Mosque? वैसे तो मिडिल-ईस्ट हमेशा से ही संघर्षों का मजमुआ रहा है। चुकी इस क्षेत्र में तेल का प्रचंड भंडार है, दुनिया के शक्तिशाली देशों की नजर हमेशा ही यहाँ पे रहती है। फिर चाहे वो इराक हो या ईरान हो या सीरिया हो। फिर दूसरा मुद्दा आता है शिया सुन्नी का, जो मध्य पूर्व में टकराव का एक अहम् कारण है। लेकिन आज हम जिस मसले पर बात करेंगे वो शिया सुन्नी और तेल कूटनीति (Oil Diplomacy) से अलग है — इसराइल और फ़िलिस्तीन (Israel aur Falasteen) का मुद्दा जो सदियों से चला आ रहा है। और नजदीकी भविष्य में भी इसके सुलझने की कोई उम्मीद नजर नहीं आती। हम बात करेंगे उस वजह की जिसने सैंकड़ों सालों ...