Friday, July 26

India bats for the just Palestinian cause at UNSC; Why India is not supporting Israel openly?

India, on Sunday stood for the just cause of Palestinians in the UNSC. It is widely seen as New Delhi supporting the state of Palestine. In this article, we will discuss why India is not supporting Israel openly.

Many are baffled by New Delhi's stance and asking why India is not supporting Israel openly.
Many are baffled by New Delhi’s stance and asking why India is not supporting Israel openly.. REUTERS/Yair Sagi/Yedioth Ahronoth/Pool – RTX22VSS

Tension between Israel and Palestine has been escalating for the last couple of weeks, with no sign of it drawing to a close. Netanyahu is in no mood to leave any stone unturned to destroy Hamas and Gaza. Amid the conflict getting minacious, United Nations Security Council held a very important meeting on Sunday. India, being one of the 15 members of the UNSC, also took part in the meeting and strongly condemned all acts of violence. During the meet, India’s statements seemed not to have gone well with Israel.

While all major democracies and American allies have univocally supported Israel, India is still taking the middle path. New Delhi decried all forms of violence in the region, including Hamas’ “indiscriminate rocket firings” from Gaza and the “retaliatory strikes” by the Israel. India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador T S Tirumurti said that the ongoing violence in the Middle-East has caused immense suffering that resulted in hundreds of civilians’deaths.

During the open debate, Tirumurti told the UNSC, “We urge both sides to show extreme restraint, desist from actions that exacerbate tensions, and refrain from attempts to unilaterally change the existing status quo, including in East Jerusalem and its neighbourhood.”

India emphasised on de-escalating the conflict by resuming direct dialogue between the two parties. Creating conducive conditions for immediate de-escalation is what the world needs for the global peace. The ambassador emphasised that India supports the just cause of Palestinians and a two-State solution. “Jerusalem has a special place in the hearts of millions of Indians, who visit the city every year. The Old City also houses the Al Zawiyya Al Hindiyya – The Indian Hospice, which is a historic place associated with a great Indian Sufi saint Baba Farid. India has restored this Indian Hospice,” added the ambassador.

Protestors gathered in support of Palestine in Glasgow, Scotland. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

Why India is not supporting Israel openly

Although India chose not to support any party, foreign relation experts believe that New Delhi’s words will hurt Israel. India didn’t go with the United States and its allies in giving complete support to Israel. Unlike many, who think the latest fiasco might contort the Indo-Israeli relation, we take different opinion. There would not be any impact on the relation between the two nations, as India has not taken a stance different from what it has been doing over the years. Both countries have multiple shared interests that keep them together. 

Also, India doesn’t want to look completely against Palestine on the global stage and deteriorate its relation with the Muslim World — which Israel understands very well. Remember a couple of days back, PM Benjamin Netanyahu thanked 25 nations, excluding India, for standing with Israel and supporting its right to self-defence? People were surprise to see India not featuring in the list, since its previous statement condemned Hamas and not Israel. They are asking why India is not supporting Israel openly. There is nothing to be surprised. It would not be wrong to assume that the Indian foreign ministry had requested Israel to not thank in Public. 

It’s really intricate to manage diplomatic relations with the Middle-Eastern nations. India needs to be cautious and not fall prey to the popular opinion of supporting Israel openly. Diplomacy is all about getting as much as you can in return, while planning for the future side by side.

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