Delhi Haridwar Vande Bharat Express has reduced the travel time between Delhi to Haridwar by 1 hour and 20 minutes compared to Shatabadi Express.

Delhi Haridwar Vande Bharat Express will help Hindu pilgrims to visit the holy city of Haridwar. The average time taken by Delhi Haridwar railway is around 5 hours by train. Shatabadi is the fasted train between Delhi and Haridwar which takes about 4 hours and 48 minutes to cover a distance of 263 km. Delhi Haridwar Vande Bharat will not start from New Delhi railway station; it will run from Anand Vihar Railway Station to save around 40 minutes.
Delhi Haridwar Vande Bharat Express Route
Anand Vihar Haridwar Vande Bharat Express will cover a distance of 250 km between New Delhi and Haridwar. More than 15 trains run between Delhi and Haridwar daily, but their travel time is very high compared to Vande Bharat Express. Besides saving time, passengers will also get a comfortable journey on Vande Bharat Express.
Delhi Haridwar Vande Bharat Express Stop
Delhi – Haridwar Vande Bharat Express has a total of 7 stoppages. Haridwar Delhi Vande Bharat Express stop at Anand Vihar, Meerut Junction, Muzaffarnagar, Saharanpur, Roorkee, Haridwar and Dehradun.
Delhi Haridwar Vande Bharat Express Timetable
Haridwar Delhi Vande Bharat Express takes 3 hours and 25 minutes to complete the journey of 250 km between Haridwar and Delhi. The train leaves Haridwar at 8:08am and reaches Anand Vihar at 11:45 am. After stopping for 6 hours, the same train leaves Anand Vihar at 5:50 pm and reaches Haridwar at 9:15 pm.
Delhi Haridwar Vande Bharat Express Ticket Price
The Delhi Haridwar Vande Bharat Express ticket price from Haridwar to Delhi is 810 rupees for the AC Chair Car, including 142 catering charges, class and 1510 rupees for Executive Chair Car (EC), including 175 catering charges. The Vande Bharat Ticket price from Haridwar to Dehradun is 640 rupees for the AC Chair Car and 1045 rupees for Executive Chair Car (EC)
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