बिहार के 10 महापुरुष जिन्होंने संविधान निर्माण में अहम् योगदान दिया था
In seven decades of Indian Republic, we have come a long way in strengthening our Constitution and Democracy. Being the land of enlightenment, Bihar has contributed a lot to India's march towards a mature nation. This Republic Day, let's remember some of the makers of Indian Constitution from Bihar. Here is the list of 10 prominent members of Constituent Assembly from Bihar who drafted the Constitution of India.
10 members of Constituent Assembly from Bihar: Rajendra Prasad, Jagjivan Ram, Anugrah Narayan Sinha, Shri Krishna Singh, Brajeshwar Prasad, KT Shah, Jagat Narain Lal, Sacchidanand Sinha
The Ganga Times, Bihar Facts: बिहार ने देश को कई रत्न दिए हैं और आगे भी देता रहेगा। सम्राट अशोक से डॉ राजेंद्र प्रसाद तक और गुरु गोविन्द सिंह से रामधारी सिंह दिनकर तक, बिहार की पावन धरा पर ज...