Saturday, July 27


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This Vande Bharat Will Connect North And South Bihar

This Vande Bharat Will Connect North And South Bihar

Six Vande Bharat Express are running in Bihar, but still, there is no Vande Bharat Trian that can connect North and South Bihar. Bihar is the 12th largest state in India by area. The distance from North Bihar to South Bihar is around 500 km. No expressway connects North Bihar and South Bihar, so the travel time by road is more than 16 hours. There is no direct train between North and South Bihar, so the travel time is very high compared to the distance. Bihar is the third largest state in India by population, and population density is also high. The Vande Bharat from north to south Bihar will reduce travel time and give passengers a smooth travel experience. Out of the six Vande Bharat Express trains in Bihar, two connect North Bihar, one connect Central Bihar, and three connec...
This Bhojpuri Singer is Ready to Take on BJP in Nawada Lok Sabha Election

This Bhojpuri Singer is Ready to Take on BJP in Nawada Lok Sabha Election

Bihar, Latest News
Gunjan Singh, a Bhojpuri singer, is the only star from Bihar contesting the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Despite efforts, he received no party ticket and is running independently from Nawada. As the nation gears up for the Lok Sabha elections, Bhojpuri cinema stars have entered the political arena with fervor. However, while some have successfully embarked on their electoral journey, others have faced setbacks. Renowned figures like Ravi Kishan, Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirahua, and Manoj Tiwari have chosen to contest from states outside Bihar, leaving their home state behind. Meanwhile, Pawan Singh's aspirations to kickstart his political career in Bihar have been dashed, possibly due to a lack of party ticket. Independent candidate Gunjan, too, has entered the fray after failing to secur...
Bihar First Greenfield Expressway Will Connect These District

Bihar First Greenfield Expressway Will Connect These District

After waiting for many years, the Bihar first greenfield expressway work has been started. This greenfield express will connect many districts in Bihar. Bihar First Greenfield Expressway will connect Amas and Darbhanga. A greenfield expressway is like a brand-new road project. Some old roads are often redeveloped into wider roads, so those roads are not called greenfield expressways. Greenfield Expressway is built on empty land that wasn't used before. "Greenfield" means it starts fresh without any old stuff around. Greenfield expressways are made to help with traffic problems, make better connections between places, and improve how transportation works. The government plans and builds these projects to create entirely new roads or highways. They use modern ideas and technologies t...
First 5 Star Hotel in Bihar Name, Location And Room Rate

First 5 Star Hotel in Bihar Name, Location And Room Rate

Finally, after 75 years of independence, the first 5 star hotel in Bihar is now open in Bodhgaya. In this article, Check out the hotel location, room rates etc. Bihar first 5 star hotel is now open in Bodh Gaya. 5-star hotels in any state, town or country play a very important role in attracting tourists. Apart from attracting tourists, 5 Star hotels also generate huge employment opportunities. Many times, opposition of the Bihar government has targeted the Nitish government for not developing the 5 Star Hotel in Bihar. Bihar is famous for many reasons, which helps to attract tourists from across the world. Lord Buddha attained knowledge by doing penance in Bihar. Lord Mahavir was born in Bihar and attained enlightenment. People who believe in Buddhism all over the world visit Bodh...
क्या गरीब सवर्णों के आरक्षण को समाप्त करेगी बिहार सरकार? RJD द्वारा आयोजित महत्वपूर्ण सर्वे।

क्या गरीब सवर्णों के आरक्षण को समाप्त करेगी बिहार सरकार? RJD द्वारा आयोजित महत्वपूर्ण सर्वे।

Latest News, Bihar
बिहार में इन दिनों जातियों के बीच राजनीति में तीव्र गति हो रही है। बिहार सरकार ने जातियों की गणना और आरक्षण सीमा में वृद्धि करके 2024 के लोकसभा चुनाव के लिए बैठक का आयोजन किया है। इस समय, 'मंडल-कमंडल' राजनीति पर फिर से बहस शुरू हो गई है, जो दो दशकों के बाद हो रही है। इस मामले में, लालू यादव की पार्टी, आरजेडी, एक सर्वे कर रही है, जिससे राजनीतिक विवादों की नई बहस का आरंभ हो रहा है। आरजेडी का यह सर्वे बता रहा है कि जनता कैसे आरक्षण पर नजर रख रही है। नेटवर्क 18 की एक रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, इस सर्वे का पूरा होने के बाद कुछ दिनों में रिपोर्ट सौंपी जाएगी। इस सर्वे में दो स्तरों पर जाँच की जा रही है, जिसमें स्वतंत्र एजेंसी को जिम्मा दिया गया है। इस सर्वे के माध्यम से पार्टी यह जानने का प्रयास कर रही है कि वह जिस सीट पर कितनी मजबूती से है, खासकर उन सीटों पर जहां पहले से ही पार्टी का बड़ा वोट ब...
बिजली काट कर प्रेम के इश्क में डूबे बेतिया की अनूठी कहानी

बिजली काट कर प्रेम के इश्क में डूबे बेतिया की अनूठी कहानी

Latest News, Bihar
बिहार के बेतिया जिले की एक लड़की ने अपने बॉयफ्रेंड से मिलने के लिए अपने गांव की पूरी बिजली को काट दिया। इस लड़की का नाम प्रीति है, और वह हर बार अपने प्रेमी राजकुमार से मिलने के लिए इस अनैतिक कदम को चुनती थी। हालांकि, इस बार गांव के लोगों ने इस अव्वल व्यवहार को पकड़ लिया और इससे उठे सवालों का सामना करना पड़ा। प्रीति कुमारी और राजकुमार के आपसी संबंधों के कारण पिछले सप्ताह से पश्चिम चंपारण जिले के दो गांवों में तनाव बढ़ रहा था। बिजली की कटौती से परेशान ग्रामीण अक्सर हो रही थीं, और जब इसका असली कारण पता चला, तो सभी ने इस प्रति आपत्ति जताई। गोविंद चौधरी, एक स्थानीय ग्रामीण, ने बताया, "प्रीति रोज़ रात को गांव की बिजली काट देती थी, जिससे गांव में बढ़ती थी चोरियों की संख्या। हम सभी परेशान थे, और हमने बार-बार इसकी शिकायत भी की, लेकिन कोई कार्रवाई नहीं हुई।" गांववालों ने कई बार शिकायत ...
Bihar Second Tiger Reserve Will Be in Kaimur District

Bihar Second Tiger Reserve Will Be in Kaimur District

Latest News, Bihar
Bihar Second Tiger Reserve will be in Kaimur district for a significant development for wildlife conservation in Bihar. A Tiger Reserve is an officially designated and protected area to safeguard tigers in their natural habitat. The tiger reserves of India were started in 1973 to protect tigers in India. India is the biggest country in terms of tigers in any country. Around 82% of world tigers live in India. The number of tigers is increasing in India at a reasonable speed after starting the Tiger Reserves of India. In the last 20 years, the number of tigers has risen three times. Bihar First Tiger Reserve is Valmiki Tiger Reserve, which is also known as Valmiki Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park, was established in the year 1990. Bihar first tiger reserve, Valmiki Tiger Reser...
Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar Embarks on Visit to Gaya for Pitrapaksh Mela and Nalanda University Interaction

Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar Embarks on Visit to Gaya for Pitrapaksh Mela and Nalanda University Interaction

Bihar, Latest News
Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar embarked on a visit to Gaya during the Pitrapaksh Mela, performing rituals at the Vishnupad temple and interacting with Nalanda University students, amidst tight security arrangements. Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar is set to embark on a significant visit to the city of Gaya on Friday, marking the second day of the fortnight-long Pitrapaksh Mela, a sacred period of ancestor veneration in Hindu tradition. During his visit to Gaya, Vice-President Dhankhar will also continue his journey to Nalanda, where he is scheduled to interact with the students of the renowned Nalanda University. The Vice-President's schedule was confirmed by Nalanda University's vice-chancellor, Abhay Kumar Singh, who stated, "He will interact with the students and the teacher...
राजगीर मलमास मेले में न करें ये गलतियां(Rajgir Malmas Mela 2023)

राजगीर मलमास मेले में न करें ये गलतियां(Rajgir Malmas Mela 2023)

राजगीर मलमास मेला 2023 कुछ दिन पहले ही शुरू हुआ है. अगले एक महीने में देशभर से लोग राजगीर आएंगे। अगर आप राजगीर मलमास मेला (Rajgir Malmas Mela 2023)घूमने का प्लान बना रहे हैं तो ये गलतियां न करें। Rajgir Malmas Mela 2023 राजगीर मलमास मेला(Rajgir Malmas Mela 2023) अत्यधिक सांस्कृतिक और धार्मिक महत्व रखता है, जिससे पूरे भारत से बड़ी संख्या में पर्यटक राजगीर आते हैं। प्रतिदिन हजारों भक्त इस आयोजन में आते हैं, मनमोहक प्राकृतिक सुंदरता और उनकी पूजा के बाद होने वाले उत्सव दोनों को संजोते हैं। विशेष रूप से, बिहार सरकार ने पर्यटन विभाग और नालंदा जिला प्रशासन के साथ मिलकर इस मेले में आने वाले भक्तों के लिए अत्यधिक आराम और सुविधा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए ठोस प्रयास किए हैं। Read Also: जानिए क्यों इतना प्रसिद्ध है राजगीर मलमास मेला(Rajgir Malmas Mela)? ( भक्तों के लिए आवास उप...
Chirag Paswan: A Rising Youth Leader Shaping Bihar’s Political Landscape

Chirag Paswan: A Rising Youth Leader Shaping Bihar’s Political Landscape

Politics, Bihar
In recent times, after the demise of Ram Vilas Paswan, Chirag Paswan has emerged as a prominent figure in the political landscape. While he was relatively less active in the early days after his uncle, Pashupati Nath Paras, took the responsibility of leading the party, Chirag eventually established himself as the rightful heir to his father's political legacy. During the period of turmoil within the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP), Chirag Paswan broke away and led the party himself, even though there were some family disputes. Chirag Paswan, as a political leader, garnered considerable attention and support, especially among the youth in Bihar. He positioned himself as a pro-BJP leader and never directly opposed the party, maintaining a pro-Modi stance. In the 2020 Bihar Assembly electio...