Sunday, December 22

Tag: Temples of Bihar

Top 10 Beautiful Temples & Places to Visit in Gaya

Top 10 Beautiful Temples & Places to Visit in Gaya

Travel, Bihar, Explore Bihar, Religion
Know about the top 10 beautiful tourist places to visit in Gaya, Bihar. From the famous Buddhist sites of Bodhgaya to some of the most ancient Hindu temples in India, Gaya is known for its religious heritage. Let's now discover some of the temples in Gaya and the best places to visit in Gaya District. Top 10 Beautiful Temples in Gaya & Places to Visit in Gaya District The land of Gautam Buddha and Lord Vishnu, Gaya is home to some of the most astonishing sites associated with the cultural and religious history of India. Situated on the banks of the sacred Phalgu River, it is one of the oldest cities in the country. Gaya is surrounded on three sides by rocky hills — Mangla-Gauri, Shringa-Sthan, Ram-Shila, and Brahmayoni, each having huge historical significance. For thousands of...
बिहार का 10 सबसे खूबसूरत मंदिर। Most beautiful Bihar Temples

बिहार का 10 सबसे खूबसूरत मंदिर। Most beautiful Bihar Temples

Latest News, Bihar, Travel
Bihar is home to a rich religious heritage and many beautiful temples. Being the birthplace of two of the world's most ancient religions — Buddhism and Jainism, Bihar has some of the most ancient temples of the world. In this article, we shall learn about the 10 most beautiful temples in Bihar. महाबोधि मंदिर, बोधगया (Mahabodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya) Mahabodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya (holidify) बोधगया का महाबोधि मंदिर (Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya) सिर्फ बिहार ही नहीं बल्कि पूरे विश्व के खूबसूरत मंदिरों में से एक है। निरंजना नदी (Niranjana River) के तट पर स्थित इस मंदिर को यूनेस्को द्वारा एक विश्व धरोहर (UNESCO World Heritage Site) स्थल का तमग़ा प्राप्त है। माना जाता है कि महात्मा बुद्ध (Mahatma Gautam Buddha) ने बोधगया में ही ज्ञान प्राप्ति की थी। इसी वजह से इसे आत्मज्ञान की भूमि भी कहते ...